Our preschool committee plays a crucial role in the overall management and development of our setting. Comprised of dedicated parents and community members, the committee assists in key decision-making processes, providing valuable insights and support to the preschool’s leadership team. They are instrumental in organising fundraising activities, which help fund essential resources and enrich our programs. Additionally, the committee coordinates various events, fostering a strong sense of community and engagement among families.
The committee also contributes to policy development, ensuring that our preschool maintains high standards and meets the needs of our children and their families. Their efforts help create a supportive, vibrant environment where every child can thrive.
We deeply value the input and participation of our community members. We would love to hear from you—whether you have ideas to share, want to get involved in our activities, or simply wish to learn more about what we do. Your contributions can make a significant difference in the lives of our young children.